Frequently Asked Questions

Is CGWAN affiliated with a political party?

While we do not formally endorse political candidates or parties, we do promote candidates — Democrats, Republicans, and independents — who share our values, which we consider to be fundamentally American: support for democracy, human rights for all, free and fair media, and a safe environment.

Does CGWAN focus on issues from both Oregon and Washington?

Yes. CGWAN is bi-state! Our members work on local government and state-level issues on both sides of the river. Most of our members live in Klickitat, Hood River, Skamania, and Wasco counties.

Can men be part of this group?

Our group is intended to amplify the voices, knowledge, and leadership of women and gender non-conforming people. Male allies are welcome and appreciated at public events hosted by CGWAN, and are welcome to sign up for our Action Alert and request to join our Facebook group.

Do I have to join Facebook to be part of CGWAN?

No, you can contact us directly to receive news about meetings and events, sign up to receive our Action Alert, and check our website for updates. If you would like to join our closed Facebook group, go to Columbia Gorge Women’s Action Network group page and request to be added.

Sign up for our Action Alert

Sign up to receive timely suggestions for local, regional, and national actions as well as news about upcoming CGWAN events. Read recent alerts.

We operate as a 501(c)(4) through the Indivisible Distributed Fundraising Network.